Saturday, December 29, 2012

First Hat for 2013 completed!

I am feeling very accomplished this morning as I have finished my first hat for 2013! Yes, I know it is still 2012 yet, but I really have been missing working on my project and thought it best to get an early start on it!!

A little girl's hat, and I simply love the flower with the smiley face button as the center. :)

Now I guess I must get busy taking Christmas decorations down, making noodles for Chicken Noodle soup, and then finishing up a late Christmas present. :) Yep, I'm still finishing up little projects here and there, and I have a baby gift to make before January 20th and a wedding gift to make before the the 22nd, oh and let's not forget I have two birthday's on January 15th also!! OMGness, I better get busy as time waits for NO ONE, especially me!! Hee hee!

Until my next post, may the light of God's love help you to Glow from Within... <3


  1. What a sweet hat! Buttons add that special 'something'. I've been rounding up supplies to send to you for 2013 ♥Hats from the Heart♥ projects. I'll give you a heads up right before I put the package in the mail. (((Hugs))) Rhonda

    1. Thank you so very much Ms. Rhonda, you are such a beautiful friend!!! You know where to find me lol, sitting in my chair making another hat!!! Sending you lots of love and hugs right back for ALL that you do!!! Love, Rita
