Monday, December 17, 2012

Thoughts important to me today...

As I read my baby sister's blog (Realm of Nevermoore), it brought tears to my eyes, because as adults we do lose sight of the "magic and wonderment" of Christmas. But not only should we ponder where our inner child has gone, but we should ponder where, as adults, we are going.

The commercialism of Christmas in general greatly saddens me, because it is forgotten that Christ is the Reason for the Season. I do not care how politically incorrect it is, I will ALWAYS say Merry Christmas and not Happy Holidays. I will always remember WHY we celebrate Christmas, it is not for the exchange of gifts, contrary to what many adults and children believe. If we would all give freely from our hearts the love that is there, what a better place this world would be. I may not have a ton of gifts under my tree, and haven't for a few years, but I have had some of the most wonderful Christmases in those past few years. I've simply enjoyed having my family together and happy and healthy.

May you all have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and may the New Year find you happy and healthy. Hold your loved ones close and tell them how very much you love them every day because we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with those families of Sandy Hook Elementary School, may they find comfort knowing their children are singing with the angels of Heaven. Until next time, may the light of God's love help you to Glow from Within....

1 comment:

  1. Very very true. I will always say Merry Christmas as well. May we all be taught, and reminded by children as well. Because the only way to return into heaven is to become like a little child. My heart is with you, and those who are in mourning. I hope all can feel the hug and love I am sending out.
