Saturday, January 24, 2015

Too long between updates!

Good Morning all, wait...oh yes, it is still morning (barely)! It has been entirely too long since my last update, I really do have to get some semblance of a schedule down with my blog updates :) I will work on that this year, and hopefully I can get better at it. I will maybe add a reminder to my calendar on my phone, as I am doing birthday's, YESSSSSSSSSSS!! That will work perfectly, as long as I don't "ignore" it LOL

I have so much to share with everyone! The New Year began and it is quickly flying by again, but I will not let that stop me! Since my last update and the donation of our beautiful hats and Journey Journals, the lovely Barbara Bruce wrote an article on our little group and donation, I'm so very HONORED and BLESSED! How cool to be published in the newspaper for something other than our passing!!! I also received a thank you note with the article from the CEO :)  The true thanks I get is knowing that we are making a difference in someone's life who is suffering and battling cancer. I'm so proud of how far we have come and where we are going! Hopefully you can read the scanned pictures, I did want to share with you. I'm not boasting at all, just extremely touched beyond measure that we are able to make a difference in someone's life!

I was asked by a special friend to make a hat for his friend who is battling breast cancer, and I will never turn down special requests! I love being able to give of my heart and personal requests are welcomed. I added a Journey Journal to her package and mailed it, within days of being asked to make it.

After this little special request was finished, I found out that my good friend's, who has beat cancer and is remission, step-mom is going through chemo. So I offered to make her a hat and added a Journey Journal to that as well. Again, within days of offering to do so, it was in the mail and on it's way!

Touches me beyond measure to be able to give of my heart, even to people who are complete strangers! For in God's eyes we are all brothers and sisters! I pour my heart and soul and so much love into each hat that is made, prayers are said as I make them that they will go to who they are meant for and it will provide smiles, warmth and the realization that there are kind people who care about others more than themselves!

The next few hats are the children's hats I have completed so far. Sometimes it feels like I'm moving in molasses and not making very much headway/progress, but one hat a time and before I know it, I have a stack (like now) in front of me to add cards to. :) 

I could never express my thanks and gratitude enough for my many blessings and to all the people that help make this journey possible for me. Even though there are many obstacles thrown in my path (hubby is now searching for a job AGAIN :( , many of you know my earlier struggles), I WILL persevere and the devil be damned for his trying!!

I now hear another little hat calling my name to be created so I leave you for now...but I leave you with this...we are all fighting some kind of battle, so be kind to all you meet spread smiles and kindness always! You never know whose life you may touch in some small way and change forever! Until my next update, may the light of God's love touch your heart and soul and help you to Glow from Within................<3